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Below are frequently asked questions about Prisma Pulse.

What databases are supported with Prisma Pulse?

Currently, Pulse supports PostgreSQL. We plan to broaden support to include more databases soon.


Note: Pulse compatibility with Postgres-like databases depends on their logical replication capabilities.


Prisma Pulse’s database compatibility list will be different from Prisma Client's database compatibility list. If you want to use Prisma Pulse with an existing application using Prisma ORM, please verify the database and hosting provider are supported.

What database providers are supported with Prisma Pulse?


Does Pulse store my database events?

Pulse does not persist database events and does not provide delivery guarantees regarding ordering or exact-once/at-least-once delivery. To capture database events, an application must maintain an active connection to Pulse using the subscribe method. Any events occurring without an active subscription will be discarded.

How can I increase the throughput for Prisma Pulse?

Throughput for Prisma Pulse will increase as the Database event size decreases and the number of concurrent listeners decreases.

While ensuring Database event size can be tricky, we recommend some best practices, such as:

  • Avoid large fields in your model, such as storing base64 image strings in the database; Instead, consider storing them in popular file storage options such as AWS S3 or Cloudflare.
  • Creating publication slots for specific models rather than all the models in the database. You can learn more about managing your replication slots here.
  • Upgrading to use modern versions of PostgreSQL due to performance optimizations.

    ℹ️ Modern versions of PostgreSQL (v15+) allow you to create a publication slot for specific fields of a particular model.

Can I use Pulse in my front-end code?

No, Pulse is server-side and subscriptions cannot be initiated directly within client-side code. If you would find this feature valuable, please share your thoughts on the #help-and-questions channel in our community Discord.