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How to use Prisma ORM with multiple database schemas


Multiple database schema support is currently available with the PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, and SQL Server connectors.

Many database providers allow you to organize database tables into named groups. You can use this to make the logical structure of the data model easier to understand, or to avoid naming collisions between tables.

In PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, and SQL Server, these groups are known as schemas. We will refer to them as database schemas to distinguish them from Prisma ORM's own schema.

This guide explains how to:

  • include multiple database schemas in your Prisma schema
  • apply your schema changes to your database with Prisma Migrate and db push
  • introspect an existing database with multiple database schemas
  • query across multiple database schemas with Prisma Client

How to enable the multiSchema preview feature

Multi-schema support is currently in preview. To enable the multiSchema preview feature, add the multiSchema feature flag to the previewFeatures field of the generator block in your Prisma Schema:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["multiSchema"]

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

How to include multiple database schemas in your Prisma schema

To use multiple database schemas in your Prisma schema file, add the names of your database schemas to an array in the schemas field, in the datasource block. The following example adds a "base" and a "transactional" schema:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["multiSchema"]

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
schemas = ["base", "transactional"]

You do not need to change your connection string. The schema value of your connection string is the default database schema that Prisma Client connects to and uses for raw queries. All other Prisma Client queries use the schema of the model or enum that you are querying.

To designate that a model or enum belongs to a specific database schema, add the @@schema attribute with the name of the database schema as a parameter. In the following example, the User model is part of the "base" schema, and the Order model and Size enum are part of the "transactional" schema:

model User {
id Int @id
orders Order[]


model Order {
id Int @id
user User @relation(fields: [id], references: [id])
user_id Int


enum Size {


Tables with the same name in different database schemas

If you have tables with the same name in different database schemas, you will need to map the table names to unique model names in your Prisma schema. This avoids name conflicts when you query models in Prisma Client.

For example, consider a situation where the config table in the base database schema has the same name as the config table in the users database schema. To avoid name conflicts, give the models in your Prisma schema unique names (BaseConfig and UserConfig) and use the @@map attribute to map each model to the corresponding table name:

model BaseConfig {
id Int @id


model UserConfig {
id Int @id


How to apply your schema changes with Prisma Migrate and db push

You can use Prisma Migrate or db push to apply changes to a Prisma schema with multiple database schemas.

As an example, add a Profile model to the base schema of the blog post model above:

model User {
id Int @id
orders Order[]
profile Profile?


model Profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
bio String
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int @unique


model Order {
id Int @id
user User @relation(fields: [id], references: [id])
user_id Int


enum Size {


You can then apply this schema change to your database. For example, you can use migrate dev to create and apply your schema changes as a migration:

npx prisma migrate dev --name add_profile

Note that if you move a model or enum from one schema to another, Prisma ORM deletes the model or enum from the source schema and creates a new one in the target schema.

How to introspect an existing database with multiple database schemas

You can introspect an existing database that has multiple database schemas in the same way that you introspect a database that has a single database schema, using db pull:

npx prisma db pull

This updates your Prisma schema to match the current state of the database.

If you have tables with the same name in different database schemas, Prisma ORM shows a validation error pointing out the conflict. To fix this, rename the introspected models with the @map attribute.

How to query across multiple database schemas with Prisma Client

You can query models in multiple database schemas without any change to your Prisma Client query syntax. For example, the following query finds all orders for a given user, using the Prisma schema above:

const orders = await prisma.order.findMany({
where: {
user: {
id: 1,

Learn more about the multiSchema preview feature

To learn more about future plans for the multiSchema preview feature, or to give feedback, refer to our Github issue.